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100% Commitment To Equal Opportunity Hiring

An inclusive workforce helps us better serve our clients, relate to judges and juries, and allows for a more interesting work environment. Therefore, we are devoted to hiring employees and serving clients regardless of race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, disability, national origin, military status, or other protected characteristics. 

Our diverse team at The Fish Law Firm, P.C.

Please contact us for a free consultation with one of our intake professionals (this is a screening call, not for legal advice, and we do not provide opinions over the phone) concerning whistleblower, sexual harassment, wrongful termination, overtime, discrimination, non-competes, severance agreements, unpaid wages, pregnancy discrimination, or other matters so that we can see whether our employment lawyers will be able to assist you. Our Chicago, Illinois area employment lawyers love what they do!

Contact Workplace Law Partners Today! We Are Ready to Help

A member of our team will be in touch shortly to confirm your contact details or address questions you may have.

Why Choose Workplace Law Partners?

Serving Chicago, IL Since 2007